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Monday, 27 December 2004


Published in News Digest

By empty (12/27/2004 issue of the CACI Analyst)

Uzbek President Islam Karimov said he favors evolutionary development for his country and opposes revolutions. Uzbekistan should follow an evolutionary path, he told reporters on Sunday, adding that he was \"categorically against revolutions, because revolution means violence.\" Karimov blamed \"revolutionary events\" on post-Soviet territory on the leadership of post-Soviet republics.
Uzbek President Islam Karimov said he favors evolutionary development for his country and opposes revolutions. Uzbekistan should follow an evolutionary path, he told reporters on Sunday, adding that he was \"categorically against revolutions, because revolution means violence.\" Karimov blamed \"revolutionary events\" on post-Soviet territory on the leadership of post-Soviet republics. \"If anything of the sort occurs in Uzbekistan, it will be our fault and should not be blamed on external forces, even if they are powerful and rich, and capable of creating fertile soil for a coup through setting up various non-governmental organizations,\" Karimov said. (Interfax)
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