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Tuesday, 18 February 2003


Published in News Digest

By empty (2/18/2003 issue of the CACI Analyst)

Today in Moscow at the solemn gathering of research council of the Lomonosov State University President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan has been given the title of Honorable Doctor of this university. A Kazinform\'s correspondent transmits from Moscow the head of Kazakhstan is handed the corresponding diploma for the outstanding contribution in the development of education, scientific and cultural links and strengthening of friendship between nations of Kazakhstan and Russia. Opening the solemn ceremony the University rector Victor Sadovnichiy noted that the visit of President Nazarbayev to the university is an important event.
Today in Moscow at the solemn gathering of research council of the Lomonosov State University President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan has been given the title of Honorable Doctor of this university. A Kazinform\'s correspondent transmits from Moscow the head of Kazakhstan is handed the corresponding diploma for the outstanding contribution in the development of education, scientific and cultural links and strengthening of friendship between nations of Kazakhstan and Russia. Opening the solemn ceremony the University rector Victor Sadovnichiy noted that the visit of President Nazarbayev to the university is an important event. Kazakhstani leader is \"the prominent, one of more respected leader in the world\". For today Nazarbayev is the first leader in the Commonwealth who has been conferred the title of Honorable Doctor of Moscow University upon. Last year he was given the title of Honorable Professor of this university. The University rector remembered that in 1994 Nazarbayev addressed the faculty and students and worded the idea to establish some Eurasian union on the territory of CIS. The idea has gained a lots of upholders and found real embodiment in organization of Eurasian Economic Community, EurAsEC. According to Sadovnichiy\'s assessment President Nazarbayev has showed himself as a thoughtful reformer, active supporter of friendship of nations throughout Eurasian area. In the greeting speech the rector did not fail to remind of Nazarbayev\'s initiative to found a branch of Moscow University in the capital of Kazakhstan- Astana on the base of the Gumilyov Eurasian University. Currently 420 students from Kazakhstan are studying the Moscow University itself, 200 of them have their study costs paid from the budget. (Kazinform)
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