By empty (3/18/2006 issue of the CACI Analyst)
A gathering organized by the Kazakh opposition in Almaty on Saturday has expressed its lack of confidence in the official findings of the investigation into the deaths of prominent politicians Zamanbek Nurkadilov and Altynbek Sarsenbaiuly and demanded that the investigation of the case be extended. The rally, which gathered over one thousand, was sanctioned by the Almaty city administration. \"We demand that the Interior Ministry reopen the investigation into the assassination of prominent statesman Zamanbek Nurkadilov,\" reads a resolution adopted at the rally, which was read by Tulegen Zhukeyev, an activist of the opposition bloc For a Fair Kazakhstan.
A gathering organized by the Kazakh opposition in Almaty on Saturday has expressed its lack of confidence in the official findings of the investigation into the deaths of prominent politicians Zamanbek Nurkadilov and Altynbek Sarsenbaiuly and demanded that the investigation of the case be extended. The rally, which gathered over one thousand, was sanctioned by the Almaty city administration. \"We demand that the Interior Ministry reopen the investigation into the assassination of prominent statesman Zamanbek Nurkadilov,\" reads a resolution adopted at the rally, which was read by Tulegen Zhukeyev, an activist of the opposition bloc For a Fair Kazakhstan. In addition, the protesters demanded that \"Interior Ministry investigators re-qualify the criminal case as an abduction and assassination of Altynbek Sarsenbaiuly and his followers and launch an investigation under Article 233 of the Criminal Code dealing with terrorism,\" the resolution says. \"The time has come to demand that the names of the true criminals be made public. The time has come to demand freedom, democracy, and justice,\" Galymzhan Zhakiyanov, another activist of For a Fair Kazakhstan, said at the rally. The official conclusion holds that Nurkadilov committed suicide in his own house last fall by shooting himself three times. Sarsenbaiuly and two people accompanying him were murdered in February 2006. The crime has triggered a wide public outcry. (Interfax)