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Tuesday, 19 July 2005


Published in News Digest

By empty (7/19/2005 issue of the CACI Analyst)

The Tuesday explosion in Nadterechnaya district in Chechnya killed 14 and injured more than 20, said Chechen President Alu Alkhanov. \"The bloody events perpetrated by terrorists have caused extreme indignation on the part of the entire Chechen people,\" Alkhanov told reporters. \"A bloody war has been unleashed against us, a war in which people are dying, and it is being waged by the basest of means,\" he said.
The Tuesday explosion in Nadterechnaya district in Chechnya killed 14 and injured more than 20, said Chechen President Alu Alkhanov. \"The bloody events perpetrated by terrorists have caused extreme indignation on the part of the entire Chechen people,\" Alkhanov told reporters. \"A bloody war has been unleashed against us, a war in which people are dying, and it is being waged by the basest of means,\" he said. \"It is a war without any boundaries, a war without any rules, which is already called the \'plague of the 21st century\' throughout the world,\" he said. \"I declare in all responsibility that all the victims of this monstrous act will receive the necessary assistance and attention from the leadership of the Chechen Republic,\" Alkhanov said. (Interfax)
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