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Tuesday, 14 May 2002


Published in News Digest

By empty (5/14/2002 issue of the CACI Analyst)

Deputies voted overwhelmingly on 14 May to endorse the appointment of former Anticorruption Council head Mirian Gogiashvili as minister of finance and tax revenues. Gogiashvili,who is 29, studied finance and international law at Tbilisi State University and then pursued graduate studies in Vienna and Tokyo. From 1998-2000 he worked as an adviser to the executive director of the World Bank, and from 2000-2001 as an assistant to President Eduard Shevardnadze, who proposed him to head the new combined ministry last week.
Deputies voted overwhelmingly on 14 May to endorse the appointment of former Anticorruption Council head Mirian Gogiashvili as minister of finance and tax revenues. Gogiashvili,who is 29, studied finance and international law at Tbilisi State University and then pursued graduate studies in Vienna and Tokyo. From 1998-2000 he worked as an adviser to the executive director of the World Bank, and from 2000-2001 as an assistant to President Eduard Shevardnadze, who proposed him to head the new combined ministry last week. (Caucasus Press)
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